'MUAY-THAI ARTWORK LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT' is designed with a unique artwork balance inspired by Thailand's unique martial art, Muay Thai. A soft but thick 20'S compact washable single fabric was used, and a large Muay Thai artwork inspired by typography and classic illustrations is placed on the left sleeve to create a streetwear-inspired & casual look. It was released in three colorways: PURE WHITE, which hints at the purity of sports spirit and fairplayness, BEIGE BROWN, and PURPLE, colors that you find often in Thai art.
태국 고유의 무술인 무에타이에서 영감받아 유니크한 아트웍 벨런스로 디자인된 'MUAY-THAI ARTWORK LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT' 입니다. 부드럽지만 견고한 20'S 콤팩트 워셔블 싱글원단을 채택하였으며, 좌측 소매에 타이포 그래피와 고전삽화에서 인스피레이션 받은 무에타이 아트웍이 큼지막하게 자리잡고 있어 스트릿하면서도 케쥬얼한 분위기를 연출합니다. 스포츠정신의 순수함을 의미하는 PURE WHITE, 무에타이 선수들의 피부색을 담은 BEIGE BROWN, 태국을 상징하는 퍼플에 가까운 MAROON까지 총 3개의 컬러웨이로 출시되었습니다.
Shipping information
• Delivery within 3 days from the payment confirmation date at the post office (weekdays) It may take additional delivery time for mountainous and island areas.
• Delivery may be delayed depending on stock availability.
• Please understand that the product is sold at the same time as the offline store, so it may be out of stock as it is sold in the store while it is being prepared after payment is completed.
Exchange and return information
• Items must be returned within 7 days of receipt.
• It is not possible if the tag or label of the product has been removed.
• It is not allowed if the product has been worn, washed, or repaired.
• In case of exchange or refund due to a simple change of mind, the customer must bear the round-trip shipping cost (KRW 5,000).
• Customers who deposit money without bankbook, please fill out the refund account information.
• For exchange/refund requests, please contact the customer center.
• Card cancellation and refund will be processed within 3 days of receipt of the product.